Top 20 Ethical Hacking Interview Questions and Answers
Whether a government agency or a private company, almost all operations nowadays have some internet presence, making them vulnerable to security breaches, data loss, financial losses, and other damages. Corporations use ethical hacking to detect potential threats like malware, viruses, and ransomware on a computer or network to prevent further damage and improve security. You may have all of the necessary knowledge and skills in the domain of Ethical Hacking, but you must pass the interview to get that dream job. To assist you, our Ethical Hacking specialists have compiled a list of the top ten ethical hacking interview questions and answers ranging from simple to complex. These questions are intended for new and seasoned professionals aiming to further their careers. Let’s get started! Before moving to Ethical Hacking Interview Questions, you should also check out our Certified Ethical Hacker Course which is available at a huge discount for limited participants. Ethical hacking, also known as white-hat hacking, refers to the practice of assessing and evaluating computer systems and networks for potential vulnerabilities and security weaknesses. Ethical hackers, authorized and certified professionals, use their skills and knowledge to simulate real-world cyber attacks, employing various techniques to identify and expose potential security flaws. The purpose of ethical hacking is to assist organizations in proactively identifying and addressing security vulnerabilities before malicious hackers can exploit them. By conducting controlled and authorized hacking activities, ethical hackers help improve the overall security posture of systems, networks, and applications, ensuring that organizations can better safeguard their sensitive data and protect against potential threats. Let’s see the Ethical hacking interview questions. Here are the top Ethical Hacking Interview Questions and Answers- Footprinting is the method of collecting information or data about a target system or organization before making an effort to breach it. Footprinting is done to gather as much information as possible about the target to get a knowledge of the target’s weaknesses and limitations. Some of the techniques used for footprinting include: A denial of service attack, also known as a DoS attack, is a type of cyber attack in which the target system or network is bombarded with an excessive amount of traffic in an effort to make it inaccessible to the users for whom it was designed. The following are some common forms of DoS attacks: Computer-based social engineering attacks are frequent tactics used by cybercriminals to deceive users into releasing critical information, spreading malware, or obtaining unauthorized access to computer systems. At the same time, the victim is unaware of the danger. Various encounters, both online and in person, might serve as vectors for attacks. Basic types of computer-based social engineering attacks are: Don’t miss out – Bluetooth Hacking Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) refers to a security weakness that enables a hacker to insert malicious code into a website that other users view. This malicious code can execute in the victim’s browser, compromising their security and potentially exposing sensitive information. XSS attacks can be launched through various vectors, including malicious links, form submissions, and even seemingly harmless user input fields. There are 3 types of Cross-site scripting: Website security refers to all of the precautions that have been taken to safeguard a website from intrusion by hackers and other online criminals. To prevent your website from being hacked, you can follow these best practices: In CSRF, an authenticated user is tricked into doing an unauthorized activity on the website that originally authenticated them, making it one of several cyber vulnerabilities. Users are verified as legitimate before being granted access to the website’s features and resources through login and password protection. This establishes credibility between the user and the website. Hackers use this trust factor in a CSRF attack to get access to the website. Hostile linking, sea surfing, session riding, a single-click assault, and so on are also other names for CSRF. To prevent CSRF attacks, you can use several methods: Management Information Base, commonly referred to as MIB, is a database used to manage computer networks. It is a hierarchical tree-like structure that defines all the objects that can be managed on a device, such as system information, performance statistics, and configuration parameters. NTP stands for Network Time Protocol. It is used to synchronize the clocks of computers in a network. The goal of NTP is to provide a highly accurate and consistent time source for all devices in the network, allowing them to function together in a coordinated manner. Pharming is a kind of cyber-attack in which the goal is to secretly take a user away from a website that is known to be trustworthy and drive them to a website that is fraudulent or dangerous without the user’s knowledge. The attacker achieves this by modifying the user’s DNS settings or exploiting vulnerabilities in the user’s computer or network. The fake website can then steal sensitive information. Defacement, on the other hand, is a type of cyber-attack that involves altering the appearance of a website without affecting its functionality. The attacker can modify the website’s content, images, or layout to display their chosen message, image, or other content. This attack is usually carried out to make a political or social statement, defame the website owner or its users, or cause disruption. Hacking typically involves several stages, each with its own purpose and activities. The stages can vary depending on the methodology or framework being followed, but here are the commonly recognized stages: These are the top 10 Basic Ethical Hacking Interview Questions and Answers compiled by our experts to help you prepare for your Ethical Hacking interview. Let’s move on to interview questions for experienced. Here are some of the most asked advanced level Ethical Hacking Interview Questions – When the data knowledge is getting out of your organization in an unauthorized manner is called Data Leak. This can happen in several manners which include prints, laptops obtaining lost, emails, unauthorized transfer of data to public portals, removable drives, pictures, etc. Nowadays, data security is crucial, so many controls can be implemented to ensure that the information isn’t leaked. Some controls include restricting upload to websites, using an internal encryption method, restricting emails to the internal network, prohibiting printing of sensitive information, etc. The information security team is encased in a security operations centre (SOC). This team has been established to continuously monitor and assess the security of an organization. Through the use of multiple technology solutions and a set of procedures, the SOC team is responsible for the quick detection, analysis, and reaction to cybersecurity problems. Security analysts, engineers, and managers who work closely with the incident response team may be a part of the team. A penetration test, also known as a pen test, simulates a cyberattack on a computer in order to find any potential security holes. It is frequently used as an addition to a web application firewall (WAF). To find any vulnerabilities, it may entail simulating an attack on any number of application systems, including APIs, frontend servers, and backend servers. The knowledge collected from this type of testing can be utilised to strengthen WAF security policies and address flaws that are found. Few of the popular tools used for penetration testing are listed below: A comprehensive platform for exploiting internet applications is called Burp Suite. It has every tool a hacker might possibly need to exploit any program. Some of these features include – SQL injection occurs if the application doesn’t sanitize user input. Thus, a malicious hacker would inject SQL queries to get access without authorization and carry out database administration tasks. This is how SQL injections can be categorized: Getting information about targeted computers and networks while not actively using them is what passive reconnaissance is all about. In contrast, active reconnaissance involves the attacker interacting with the target system and typically involves a port scan to look for any open ports. A spoofing attack happens when a bad actor on a network assumes the identity of another device or user in order to attack network hosts, steal data, spread malware, or get around access rules. Malicious parties use a variety of spoofing attacks to accomplish this. Types of Spoofing are: The following is a list of the most popular password-cracking methods used by hackers: Here are some of the best sniffing tools listed below: One of the several cyberattacks used by the attackers is a pharming attack. It is a dishonest practice where legitimate website traffic is manipulated to send users to look-alike websites that steal personal information like passwords or financial information or harm users’ computers with harmful software. The best method to be followed for preventing Pharming Attacks is to install powerful antivirus software, which will determine and remove the malware that is directed at your computer. These are the top 10 advanced Ethical Hacking Interview Questions and Answers. Now, we have covered the top Ethical Hacking Interview Questions and Answers for both freshers and experienced candidates. In conclusion, ethical hacking interview questions provide valuable insights into the knowledge, skills, and mindset required for individuals interested in pursuing a career in cybersecurity.Introduction
About Ethical Hacking
Basic Ethical Hacking Interview Questions and Answers
Q1 – What is footprinting in ethical hacking? What are the techniques used for footprinting?
Q2 – What is DOS (Denial of service) attack? What are the common forms of DOS attack?
Q3 – What are the types of computer-based social engineering attacks? Explain what Phishing is.
Q4 – What is Cross-site scripting and what are the types of Cross-site scripting?
Q5 – Explain how you can stop your website getting hacked.
Q6 – What is CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery)? How can you prevent this?
Q7 – What is MIB?
Q8 – What is NTP?
Q9 – What is Pharming and Defacement?
Q10 – What are the hacking stages? Explain each stage.
Advanced Ethical Hacking Interview Questions and Answers
Q11 – What do you mean by data leakage? How to detect and prevent it?
Q12 – What do you mean by a Security Operations Center (SOC)?
Q13 – What is penetration Testing? Mention few pen testing tools.
Q14 – What is Burp Suite? What tools does it contain?
Q15 – What are SQL injection and its types?
Q16 – What are active and passive reconnaissance?
Q17 – What is meant by the spoofing attack? What are its different types?
Q18 – What are the types of password-cracking techniques?
Q19 – What are the best sniffing tools?
Q20 – What is meant by a Pharming attack and how to prevent it?